From this page you can DOWNLOAD 3D files (*.stl or *.3mf), which we offer for free.
- Two parts spool for refills. Very soon we will start to offer filament refills. Just print the both parts with PLA (nozzle 0.4, walls – 3, infill 25%). No support is needed. Put the filament refill into the spool center (any part can be used), close both parts (with click), carefully cut the cable ties and take them out. You can print as many spools, as you need and simply add the new filament refill into the same spool when filament is over. Don’t forget to label the spool The spool of the refills are made from paper (very ecological) and you don’t need to keep or throw away the used empty spools (very ecological) ! Keep the planet clean! Here they are two versions of pour click-clack spool for refills. print whichever you like.
For any question, please contact us !